Lets Paint Peace Oracle Deck

Channeled Art "Lets Paint Peace Oracle Deck" comes with 36 cards and a message booklet for guidance. This limited edition oracle contains prints of mandalas, mystic symbology, meta-physical art, transformative art, intuitive doodles, yantra, healing and therapeutic art. Each card is numbered, and has a unique message which can be found in the booklet, for thought provoking moments and contemplative guidance. 

This art work oracle deck can be used by beginners and intermediate alike. On any day spread and pick cards to receive the guidance. Some times we feel out of harmony and need some affirmative, self-help tools to realign with our core. Oracle comes with heart warming art work and comforting messages, in daily life, to assist in embracing peace and joy.

The Limited edition Oracle Deck is priced at $111.0 plus $10 shipping fee. Local pick up available, with no shipping fee. Payment options available : Paypal, Venmo, Check. For placing an order contact at sapnadhar@gmail.com or buy directly from the "Add to Cart" button at the bottom of the page.

Lets Paint Peace Oracle Deck

Since this deck is a limited edition, it is ordered as print on demand and therefore shipping takes 1-2 weeks after the production. The tracking will be shared as and when available.


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